Sonntag, 29. April 2012

Some more items and stories...

Two more things we did was washing the "windows" at the colosseum and finding a Roman Vespa guy ;)

8. A picture of one of the winners using a squeegee or similar to clean where there should be a window at the Coliseum.
-John Swindell – 38 pts.

22.A real Roman on a Vespa with a shirt that says “GISHWHES conquers Rome”
-Sonja Basler – 54 pts. 

Also here are some more insights about our dinner:
  • Misha likes to eat with his hands. Like really. And he randomly stole stuff from other people’s plates.
  • Everyone got asked what their favourite (life-changing?) thing about GISHWHES was and what it meant to them.
  • BABY SHARKS (baby seals? baby shallots? Oh, baby SHELLS!)
  • Sarah was always translating for Misha (and the rest of us, but no really, for Misha) what the waiter was saying… well, ‘translate’… he was speaking English but his accent was so thick!
  • Phillip / Philip / Philipp (a friend of Misha’s and one of the brains behind GISHWHES) really wanted to see the spaghetti task where we had to knot them together. He had ordered spaghetti and asked if we wanted to do it and if he should lend us some of his spaghetti. Then he started to put them into his (empty) water glass and started knotting them together (WITH THE SAUCE ON IT) until we told him that we actually brought dry pasta to do the task!
  • When we asked him to do the “miming task” he refused at first and said, well, we should’ve done that at the beginning when the waiter asked what we wanted to eat and that it would be cheating if he’d just pretend… but in the end we convinced him to order a cocktail! (see the video below)

And here are some of the items we have accomplished so far!

Not all items will be possible, even if we attempted to. For example getting a Swiss Guard to hold a "GISHWHES conquers the world" sign is impossible. Also, Michaelangelo's David is in Florence, not Rome. But other stuff was really fun, like the conga line on St Peter's Square or dancing the macarena in front of the Arch of Titus!

Aaaanyway, have some of the items!

6. Misha at the Victors’ Spaghetti Dinner ordering his entrée and cocktail but he is not allowed to speak, point to the menu or anyone else’s entrée. He must “charade” his order to the waiter.

1. The group doing the Macarena in front of the Arch of Titus.

16. Make a pyramid in one of the archways of the Coliseum, each member holding a letter of

Just a few so far!

Many more to follow! :)

Some impressions!

Okay, we have some pictures and expressions to share for the trip! Sorry, we didn't do that earlier... it's a bit of a hassle to get internet! :)

The dinner has been amazing and so much fun and Rome is amazing and beautiful! I'm pretty sure once we're all home we'll have time to properly sort through our pictures and stuff to share them as well as all the scavenger hunt items we did! :)

Misha tweeted this photo of the dinner!

Misha at dinner, photo by Meghan.

Misha was instructed to pose with all his presents. He put them in his pants, of course.

Photo by Sarah

On this picture is Ruth, taken by Sarah, I think.

Sarah also wrote this:

We are having fun. :D
I just wanted to let you all know that we have a ton of pictures and stories to share, but we don’t have free internet at our hotel to upload everything. We’re working on all the items on the list we think we can do (without getting arrested), so please look forward to our posts in the coming days! We will also respond to some of the comments when we have time.
Let me leave you with a story:
Misha once rode his bike around New England and ended up in Amish country in Pennsylvania. He pitched his tent (this is where I tried not to laugh) in someone’s front yard, but lights kept waking him up all night. It turns out the headlights on those buggies are pretty bright. Phillip finally called Misha out on his phrasing because he has Misha’s sense of humor. We like Phillip. Phillip can stay. (Lisa too!)

Ruth and Rabea decided to graffiti the Forum Romanum.

MarioMisha at dinner with Melissa's moustache.

Yeah, we're having a really good time!

Mittwoch, 25. April 2012

Our Suitcases are packed! 

look, there’s a sock monkey hat!
And the GISHWHES licence plate … what for? You’ll get to know soon!
AND- a Dallas Cowboys Jersey with number 13 on it. Does anyone know why someone would have that?
team 83