Did we ever think this would happen? I guess not. But here we are- sitting in front of our suitcases and realizing we actually have won GISHWHES.
Still feels strange...
Most of us did not know each other before participating. It is a strange coincidence that most of us are German (8 Germans and 2 Canadians if I count correctly). Nine girls and one manly man - some a bit younger (around 20), some a bit older (around 30). If asked, I guess I would say the best about our team is how easily we work together. =D
Can you imagine how we screamed and jumped and freaked out when we received the winning note on Christmas Day last year? It still did not feel quite real, though. But the bording ticket in my hand feels real...
So thanks again to GISHWHES for making us wear bacon dresses, Batman-costumes and sock-monkey-hats. Thanks for making us iron our wedding dresses, eating ice-cream-meatball-sadwiches, staying up for what felt like a whole week, decorating a christmas tree on the coldest day of November, using our position as a lecturer to hang up a poster of a spider at the University of the German Army and for so much more! Thanks for a bunch new friends and THANK YOU for letting us go to ROME!

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